Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Diet, Nutrition & Weightloss

The history of health and welfare

For many years, my weight and therefore my health and welfare, were completely out of control and unmanageable. I have tried many diet programs and never found one that worked to my satisfaction. It was not until a doctor who became a friend of mine introduced me to a program that worked very well.

This was not the program was to quickly solve my weight and health problems, but it was and has been the biggest effect, I could have perhaps chosen to take. I was overweight at 220 pounds. (Now I'm 170 pounds and love) There was a time I seldom any exercise, even walking, which I never had the energy - that is, no ambition. I was really a couch potato and could barely find the energy to get up and go to work. Low energy levels are affected both my work and family life. My wife (also thin and active) was almost sick of me.

Never thought it would be possible to change and be happy, healthy and active again, but I was wrong, now that I have achieved success in all these areas once again.

My wife and I now have a new and wonderful life together, thank you God. My kids can not believe that the change in me. Now you ask, "How did I achieve all this?"

So what did I do to change my situation? Under the direction of my doctor friend, I changed - food, lifestyle, exercise habits for the better. For many of you, time passes quickly. To control your life and lifestyle, you must make a choice - and not let life control you.

Although it may seem easy for some of you, but in reality it is not really easy because you have some difficult decisions to make, if you could improve your life, because I could not do.

In order to be able to change your life, I think you all know that if you wait longer, then at some point, some of you, the problem may be irreversible, so it is really too late. Are you going to stay as you are, and basically want to give life to move you, or you're going to make the best decision you've ever done, and manage your life from here on out? The choice is yours and yours alone, because nobody can decide on it at first to take a positive decision and stick to it, the sooner you can enjoy - "The happy and healthy life"

Here, I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity far into the future.

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READ MORE - Diet, Nutrition & Weightloss